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Cuidados e garantia

Warranty & Care


Each EDNIS bed is unique. It has an unmatched quality guarantee, which can only be granted after passing a rigorous series of tests. And it’s our promise: every bed has been crafted with the utmost care, using the best materials and the latest technological innovations.

Natural Occurrences of Use
Girar colchão

Never leave the mattress in the same position for more than a month. The ideal is to rotate every 15 days for the first four months of use and then repeat the procedure every 30 days.

Rotação colchão

The mattress must be rotated 180 °.

Rodar colchão

If the mattress is used on both sides, rotate it, alternating with the rotation movements.

Arejar colchão

Let your mattress breathe. Whenever you change the bedding, we advise you to ventilate it for a few hours.

Aspirar colchão

Vacuum the mattress periodically as this is the recommended cleaning method.

Utilize protetor colchão

Use a mattress protector / cover whenever possible.

Evitar saltos

Prevent children from jumping or standing on the mattress.

Não dobrar

Do not bend the mattress, to avoid damaging the structure.

For any assistance related to the warranty or any other information about the product you should contact the point of sale.

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